The public can offer support by pledging time and expertise through voluntary services (e.g. therapists, etc.) or through financial contributions, be it through monetary donations, providing daily essentials (nappies, formula, etc.) or sponsoring equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, etc).

Our banking details are:

FNB Business Account
Daniel and Friends Fund
Account Number: 62457695438
Universal Code (Branch): 250655  Swift: FIRNZAJJ

Please use your name and surname as reference when making a payment, so we can send you a thank you note!

Email proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kind regards,

Lianie le Roux


Cell: 076 331 8474

Do You have Question? 
+27 76 331 8474

P.O.Box 4725, Tygervalley, 7536