Criteria For Support
Donations of equipment and therapy
- Parents salary ( income ) not a factor to qualify for a donation
- Evaluate each situation separately based on the individual ( child )
- Require a Doctor’s report specifying it will improve quality of life for the child
- No monetary support, but equipment/therapy will be purchased by Daniel and Friends Fund Directors and donated.
- Parents have to sign a form that states the equipment will remain the property of Daniel and Friends Fund, and that they cannot sell it for their own profit after they have finished using it. A NAPPI code will be allocated to each piece of equipment, and it will be engraved on the piece of equipment, along with Daniel and Friends Fund’s name. It will also become part of Daniel and Friends Fund Asset register.
- If a child has a need for a specific piece of equipment, the responsibility is on the parents to provide three quotations of the product/piece of equipment or therapy. The Daniel and Friends Fund Directors also reserve the right to get their own quotations.
- If the equipment seeked is for recreational purposes it will be granted on compassionate grounds ( depending on the situation ), and it will be reviewed annually. ( meaning that if another child is able to use the same equipment, it must be fairly rotated between the families )
- The same child will only be considered once every three years for a donation of equipment, and a value of R 1000 worth of therapy per year.
- Two out of the three Directors must sign the consent/checklist with the parents, as well as one Board member to state that the conditions is accepted.
Donations of day to day expenses ( e.g. nappies and milk )
- No monetary support or food will be made available
- If there is a need e.g. milk, nappies, and medicine it will be bought and donated to child.
- Donations per child is limited to twice a year, to the value of R 1000 each.
- In extreme cases ( for instance the family has no food or electricity to survive ) an application will be made to the Board, and two Board members must sign of with the Directors.
- CODE RED: in case of emergency Directors can issue a Code Red, and the Chairperson or the CEO will have the VETO vote and sign off.
Assistance with fundraisers for children
- Assistance in regards to advertising, expertise, etc. will be provided, but the use of our bank account or our logo is prohibited.