On Saturday 11 June we hosted our annual CPR training morning.
The interactive and practical-orientated CPR Course equipped participants with the foundation of performing effective hands on only CPR on adults, children and babies. Choking was also covered in this course.
The morning started off with a demonstration of CPR, as done by Mr Bean himself. and attendants were warned not to try this at home.
We then got down to business - how to provide effective CPR. The course was facilitated by Michèlle Phillips of Medhype ( and Daniel and Friends Director ), whose charismatic and upbeat manner kept attendants completely engaged throughout. Michelle nurses a passion for equipping individuals with the knowledge and confidence to react effectively in any emergency scenario they might be confronted with.
Be it to the beat of "Staying Alive ", or " Baby Shark " everyone that attended was confident in the skills they learned. Knowing that they will be able to react and help in an emergency.
We would also like to give a special shout out to Keenan Poole, trained paramedic and instructor, for assisting us with the mornings training. We appreciate your time and passion - you have a special way of teaching that stood out for us.
We would also like to give thanks to the following people for their support to make this day a success:
Cup of Life Coffeeshop - thank you for the effort youput into the morning to make everything perfect. Your refreshments was divine and your staff amazing.
Adriaan Oliver for assisting with the CPR training and helping the attendants practice their skills. And for being the "recovery" position model Jo-Anne Olivier for running after the children and being the baby whisperer Lani Harmse for coming out and helping out Erna Walters for the sponsor of the sweets Nico Walters ( CEO ) for popping in - it meant a lot.
Without a village of a support system we will not be able to do what we do.
Thank you to each and every supporter for supporting our dream, and helping us create the platform for a more intimate special needs community.